Beverly Hills Speciality Center

What are the Benefits of Infini?

Radiesse is a FDA approved specialized dermal filler, it is the newest generation of dermal fillers that act not only as fillers but also as bio-stimulators.
Bio-stimulators are advanced aesthetic treatments that act mainly to rebuilt and induce collagen and elastin fibers stimulation in the skin.

The main component in Radiesse filler ( Ca+ ) differs from hyaluronic acid based fillers. Calcium hydroxy apetite is considered a potent stimulator for skin fibers.
Therefore, It has an immediate results plus a long term improvement.

Radiesse is not limited to face, it can also be used to tightens saggy skin in the neck area, as well as deep and fine folds.

It also can be used to restore and correct volume loss in the back of the hands, resulting in a healthier younger appearance of the hands.

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